Burnham wrote:
The BoC stipulates that each has to be clothed according to his rank - so yes, it's mandatory to wear dark blues if you've been awarded them.
Hi Burnham,
I am afraid that is not correct and a common misconception. I held a similar view and discovered this fact when reading Graham Redmonds latest book regarding the wearing of aprons. The BoC states
239. The regalia, clothing, insignia and jewels to be worn are as hereinafter prescribed, and no Brother shall be admitted into any meeting of the Grand Lodge, or of any subordinate Lodge,
without the clothing appropriate to his rank under the Grand Lodge.
The significant thing here is Grand Lodge. Now rule 5 states the members of Grand Lodge as follows;
5. The members of the Grand Lodge rank in the
following order:
1. The Grand Master.
2. The Pro Grand Master.
3. Past Grand Masters.
4. Past Pro Grand Masters.
5. Deputy Grand Master.
6. Past Deputy Grand Masters.
7. Assistant Grand Masters.
8. Past Assistant Grand Masters.
9. Metropolitan Grand Masters.
10. Past Metropolitan Grand Masters.
11. Provincial and District Grand Masters.
12. Past Provincial and District Grand Masters.
13. Senior Grand Warden.
14. Past Senior Grand Wardens.
15. Junior Grand Warden.
16. Past Junior Grand Wardens.
17. President of the Board of General Purposes.
18. Past Presidents of the Board of General Purposes.
19. Grand Chaplain.
20. Past Grand Chaplains.
21. Grand Registrar.
22. Past Grand Registrars.
23. Grand Secretary.
24. Past Grand Secretary.
25. Grand Chancellor.
26. Past Grand Chancellors.
27. President of the Grand Charity.
28. President of the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys.
29. President of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
30. President of the Masonic Samaritan Fund.
31. Past Presidents of the Grand Charity, the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys, the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution and the Masonic
Samaritan Fund.
32. Grand Director of Ceremonies.
33. Past Grand Directors of Ceremonies.
34. Grand Sword Bearer.
35. Past Grand Sword Bearers.
36. Grand Superintendent of Works.
37. Past Grand Superintendents of Works.
38. Grand Inspectors.
39. Past Grand Inspectors.
40. Grand Treasurer.
41. Past Grand Treasurers.
42. Deputy Grand Chaplain.
43. Past Deputy Grand Chaplains.
44. Deputy President of the Board of General Purposes.
45. Past Deputy Presidents of the Board of General Purposes.
46. Deputy Grand Registrar.
47. Past Deputy Grand Registrars.
48. Deputy Grand Secretary.
49. Past Deputy Grand Secretaries.
50. Deputy Grand Directors of Ceremonies.
51. Past Deputy Grand Directors of Ceremonies.
52. Deputy Grand Sword Bearer.
53. Past Deputy Grand Sword Bearers.
54. Deputy Grand Superintendent of Works.
55. Past Deputy Grand Superintendents of Works.
56. Grand Orator.
57. Past Grand Orators.
58. Senior Grand Deacons.
59. Past Senior Grand Deacons.
60. Junior Grand Deacons.
61. Past Junior Grand Deacons.
62. Assistant Grand Chaplains.
63. Past Assistant Grand Chaplains.
64. Assistant Grand Registrars.
65. Past Assistant Grand Registrars.
66. Assistant Grand Secretaries.
67. Past Assistant Grand Secretaries.
68. Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies.
69. Past Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies.
70. Assistant Grand Sword Bearers.
71. Past Assistant Grand Sword Bearers.
72. Assistant Grand Superintendents of Works.
73. Past Assistant Grand Superintendents of Works.
74. Grand Organist.
75. Past Grand Organists.
76. Grand Standard Bearers.
77. Past Grand Standard Bearers.
78. Assistant Grand Standard Bearers.
79. Past Assistant Grand Standard Bearers.
80. Deputy Grand Organist.
81. Past Deputy Grand Organists.
82. Grand Pursuivant.
83. Past Grand Pursuivants.
84. Assistant Grand Pursuivants.
85. Past Assistant Grand Pursuivants.
86. The Grand Stewards for the year.
87. Grand Tyler.
88. Past Grand Tylers.
89. Such Past Grand Stewards as are Masters or Past Masters qualified under Rule 9 of private Lodges.
90. The Master, Past Masters qualified under Rule 9, and Wardens of the Grand Stewards’ Lodge, and of every other private Lodge.
On this list other than PGM's tehre are no Provincial Ranks. I queried this with the Grand Secretarys office. There is anomally.
A Brother is to where the rank given to him by Grand Lodge, unless he is a GO then the rank may well be PM or MM.
At a Provincial meeting then a Brother should wear the rank given to him by that Province. However a Brother could, and would be within his rights under the UGLE BoC to be given a Provincial Rank, but wear the rank to which he is rightly entitled to under the GL so remaining a light blue.