Joining the Freemasons

How to join and Why?

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Joining the Freemasons

Postby Davidsmith14 » Tue Jul 22, 2014 5:04 pm

Hello my name is David Smith and I am interested in joining I am 26 and have been interested for years but finally decided to join, I live in kingstanding and and I have just been made redundant from working as a street fundraiser for oxfam I have researched the cost and I will be able to afford the cost but fingers crossed I should be working soon as I am a individual that don't mind work no matter what it is I would work as it because I like to provide for my self. I would like to know how to go about joining as I have been emailing a couple of lodges in Sutton Coldfield, St. Peter's 7334 and boldmere and would it effect me if I am not working even tho I have the money for fees regalia and other costs many thanks David smith
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Joining the Freemasons

Postby jackal » Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:41 pm

David hi

Your employment status shouldn't make any difference to a lodge as long as you can afford the fees AND the commitment needed.

Your initial fees are always more than in subsequent years as there are registration fees to pay which are usually only done once.

There isn't any regalia to buy initially, each lodge usually loans you what you need until your settled and at a certain part in your Masonic journey, which will be months after you have joined.

I have connections in Erdington and Handsworth whom would be delighted to talk with you about furthering an application if you want.

Email me at jcr@4563group(dot)co(dot)uk if you want to progress a conversation further.

Best wishes and good luck


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Re: Joining the Freemasons

Postby Peter Taylor » Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:20 pm

Good advice there! Go ahead and email Brother Jackal!
Welcome to LRUK, looking forward to hearing how you get on!
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Re: Joining the Freemasons

Postby Davidsmith14 » Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:04 pm

Thank you so much brother jackal but I have just been in contact with the secretary from boldmere were I wanted to join that was my first choice so to speak and goin to meet him for a drink and a informal chat on Thursday night so I will keep you the know and I mean it a lot thank you so much
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Joining the Freemasons

Postby jackal » Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:30 pm

No problem at all, keep us informed of your progress.

Listen carefully to what the Secretary has to say, each lodge is slightly different so what might happen recruitment wise in one Lodge could be completely different in another. It's what makes us family, we understand each other but each has our own interpretation of it.

Also bear in mind that masonically, the season is currently pretty much closed so nothing is going to happen quickly. The secretary will be giving up his spare time for this meeting. Ask him whatever it is you want to know, he will tell you if he can but above all be totally honest with him from the outset so he can guide you appropriately.

If it doesn't work out for you with the guys from Boldmere ( noting there is no meeting place in Boldmere itself, so it will either be at Mill St, Sutton Coldfield or in Erdington) then contact me. You have my details.

Good luck


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Re: Joining the Freemasons

Postby Davidsmith14 » Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:49 pm

Yeah it is in mill street and yes I will sure let you know thank you
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Re: Joining the Freemasons

Postby Prothero » Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:01 am

Hello David, it's great to see you're so enthusiastic about joining. I know several Sutton Coldfield masons very well and I'm sure you'll be made welcome.
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Re: Joining the Freemasons

Postby drunkmunkey6969 » Thu Nov 06, 2014 1:26 am

Any joy?
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Re: Joining the Freemasons

Postby Davidsmith14 » Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:34 pm

Hi all sorry have not replied for some while as I had some personal problems so I never ended up meeting with the secretary of boldmere but now I am happy about were I am in life I have a new job and am just happy in life and think now I am ready to join so if brethren prothro help me get in contact with some Sutton Coldfield brethrens that would be greatly appreciated thanks and hope to hear off you all soon
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Re: Joining the Freemasons

Postby Saracen1970 » Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:41 am

Welcome to LRUK
of what use are flambeaux, torches and spectacles to him who shuts his eyes so as not to see?
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Re: Joining the Freemasons

Postby Davidsmith14 » Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:04 pm

Thank you
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Re: Joining the Freemasons

Postby Richard George » Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:43 am

Davidsmith14 wrote: so I never ended up meeting with the secretary of boldmere

Dave; hopefully though, you contacted him to let him know you wouldn't be able to make the meeting? - if not, he's quite likely to have mentioned it to a couple of the other local secretaries (they do talk!) and you'll likely have to do some fast talking!
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Re: Joining the Freemasons

Postby Davidsmith14 » Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:52 pm

O no I defiantly let him no I would never be that rude I let him know about a week in advance I think it was
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Re: Joining the Freemasons

Postby jackal » Sat Mar 28, 2015 8:01 pm

Have you tried contacting the Secretary you previously arranged to met? That would be your first port of call I would have thought.

If that's a difficulty, email me the details and I will find you another set of contacts.

Are you still living in the same area, what area are you working in? Do you still want to go to Mill Street?

I know a number of brethren whom live in Sutton but go to Handsworth, Erdington and West Brom. West Brom being my favourite hall of the lot!

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