Sir David Frost

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Sir David Frost

Postby rogerschwartz » Sun Sep 01, 2013 4:31 pm

I had the honour & pleasure of meeting Sir David when he was a founder & director of TVAM. In the 1980s a courier/ cab company I managed 'had' part of the TVAM Account & was given its own desk there to handle bookings. It was manned by us 24/7 & I was one of those who worked there. I had the pleasure of meeting most of the TVAM people & remember that Sir David was most friendly & always said hello. (Yes, he did use the phrase "Hello, good evening & welcome" in a self-mocking way!).

I remember him more though for his early years in the 1960s. He truly started TV satire with the wonderful TW3 (That Was The Week That Was) & its successors. As a young man, I gladly came home early on saturday nights to see the wonderful sketches & debates & to watch Barker, Corbett & Clees in their early careers & the lovely Millie Martin too . Halcyon days!!

A sad loss. (43)
S & F from W Bro Roger Schwartz, LLB(Hons), LGR, PPJGD (Herts). P.M. & Treasurer of Waterways (7913) & Herts Imperial Yeomanry (3192)
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Re: Sir David Frost

Postby Peter Taylor » Sun Sep 01, 2013 7:59 pm

A great broadcaster, journalist and satirist! RIP
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Re: Sir David Frost

Postby Peter Moir » Mon Sep 02, 2013 8:53 am

Heard a comment from him a few years ago saying he had never ever voted in his life, local elections or general elections. By not voting no-one could accuse him of having any political bias toward any one party.
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Re: Sir David Frost

Postby McClef » Tue Sep 03, 2013 10:57 pm

A great loss to television and having watched the new version of Through The Keyhole just before his death was announced, I was already missing him!

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