by rogerschwartz » Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:17 pm
eric384 wrote:rogerschwartz wrote: & it lends some credit to the notion that Andrew &/ or Harry are in the Craft.

No, it doesn't
You are entitled to your view as I am to mine. Speculation it may be but, as I have said before, Andrew's & Harry's connection came to me from an informed source. I agree that speculative it must remain until the two either confirm or refute it but I am inclined to think there may be some merit in it & am bemused that certain brethren will always 'rubbish' the suggestion

. Both princes receive poor press reporting (although Harry's 'merits' are more pronounced of late) but I for one do not take newspaper reports as gospel. Roger's rant now over, LOL!!

S & F from W Bro Roger Schwartz, LLB(Hons), LGR, PPJGD (Herts). P.M. & Treasurer of Waterways (7913) & Herts Imperial Yeomanry (3192)
There are no strangers in Freemasonry; just brothers we have not met yet.