Jewels that might be of interest

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Re: Jewels that might be of interest

Postby admin » Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:31 pm

Masonic Jewels (2): Concord Lodge (No. 3239) Past Master’s Jewel, gold (9ct) and enamel, the reverse engraved ‘Presented to Wor: Bro: Fredk. James Penn, Prov: G. Treas: by the Brethren of the Concord Lodge No. 3239 September 16th. 1911 in recognition of his Valuable Services as Worshipful Master 1910-11 and as a token of their warm personal regard and esteem’, with top ‘Concord Lodge No. 3239’ riband bar; Provisional Grand Lodge of Warwickshire Past Treasurer’s Jewel, gold (18ct) and enamel, the reverse engraved ‘Presented to Wor: Bro: F. J. Penn by the Bedford 935 & Concord 3239 Lodge as a mark of Esteem Sept. 16th. 1911.’, with top ‘Treasurer 1909-1911’ riband bar, nearly extremely fine (2) £140-£180
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Item 2 :

in argento e smalti appartenenti alle logge 'Lodge of St. Simon', Londra 1952, 'Lodge of Alperton Park', Londra 1921, 'Spenser & Co.', Londra 1944, 'Ancient Order of Foresters', 'Weaver Lodge', Londra, 'Indipendent Order of Oddfellows', Manchester Unity.
Misura massima cm. 13 x 6.
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Bill McElligott [PPGJW - PPGASoj] -
The Masonic Brotherhood of The Blue Forget-Me-Not
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Re: Jewels that might be of interest

Postby alarawany » Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:57 am

that is so cool
Graduated from Soran University with First Class Degree with Honours in Computer Science
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Re: Jewels that might be of interest

Postby alarawany » Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:58 am

that is so cool
Graduated from Soran University with First Class Degree with Honours in Computer Science
Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Feb 26, 2018 8:19 am


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