Timeline of Women's Rights - other than vote

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Timeline of Women's Rights - other than vote

Postby Bright Star » Wed Sep 10, 2014 7:21 pm

In view of the number of posts on other masonic groups pages that always come down to the Questionable truth that Women can actually be considered as True Freemasons. I thought this link might be an interesting read in order to understand why Women were not included from the onset in the formation of this beautiful craft that promotes equality as one of its positive images.

We have to understand that in 1717 when the rise and development of organised speculative Masonry took place (i.e by a group of men sat in the 'Goose and Gridiron' in London) Women were very much down trodden, controlled and passive members of society and not by their own choosing. The link is a timeline that shows the development and progress of Women's rights across the world from 1707 and if we plot on that timeline the beginnings and progress of Women's Freemasonry it is easy to see how the worlds views on women in society have change and progressed (although I know that in some countries this oppression still exists) and there for enabling the progress of women into their rightful place within Freemasonry i.e 1882 was the first step in founding a masonic organisation open to both men and women, (France) and Maria Deraismes was initiated into the craft, 1893 was the first opportunity (due to opposition) that she had to initiate 17 more Female candidates, The first mixed Lodge in the U,K was in 1902, then in 1908 was the founding of my order here in the UK, 'The Order of Women Freemasons' etc What I am almost certain of is that if Speculative Freemasonry had been founded today in the 21st century women most certainly would have been an equal part of that formation

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_o ... han_voting)

Timeline of women's rights (other than voting) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The timeline signifies the major events in the development of women's rights and issues of gender inequality other than the right to vote. For those rights see Timeline of women's suffrage.
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Re: Timeline of Women's Rights - other than vote

Postby Susurration » Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:16 pm

Bright Star wrote:What I am almost certain of is that if Speculative Freemasonry had been founded today in the 21st century women most certainly would have been an equal part of that formation
I'm not ignoring the rest of your post but
just picking on this bit. I mostly agree but think that you should give a little more consideration to the foundation of Scottish Freemasonry which differs significantly from the English version. I'd also strongly argue that if Freemasonry hadn't existed before the 21st century, there's no way that it would have come about in the 21st century. This is the era of everything being geared to the individual as part of a connected but distributed group, not to the members of a group with no connection except for their membership of that group. People can't sit through two hours of a Lodge meeting without surreptitiously checking their smartphones (nor, indeed through a meal with their families or a Sunday church service) so the idea of founding a shared and universal but highly personal experience like Freemasonry is anathema.

It's difficult to consider creating Freemasonry from scratch today. It'd ignore the histories of the trades guilds, livery companies, friendly societies, and all the other influences on organised labour from which today's Masonry came. Social groups today start up, operate for a while then close down - longevity isn't a feature.

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Re: Timeline of Women's Rights - other than vote

Postby Bright Star » Thu Sep 11, 2014 8:05 pm

Yes you are right - but it provoked a reaction!

I am frustrated at SOME male masons totally blanking or ignoring women masons.!
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Re: Timeline of Women's Rights - other than vote

Postby admin » Thu Sep 11, 2014 11:22 pm

I would like you all to use the facilities it has taken me years to build


http://lodgeroomstore.com/wordpress/201 ... o-history/

you will find a link to Video freemasonry. Link has been there for about 12 years. so this Mason does not ignore. And I have to say niether do many, many others.
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Re: Timeline of Women's Rights - other than vote

Postby Susurration » Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:30 pm

Bright Star wrote:1882 was the first step in founding a masonic organisation open to both men and women

The Order of the Eastern Star was founded in France in the mid 1800's, formalised into its current form in the US in 1850 and came to Scotland in 1868 with the first Scottish Chapter in Edinburgh in the early 1870's and is open to men and women. It's proscribed by the United Grand Lodge of England but thrived north of the Tweed (like every other organisation it's got membership problems now - particularly with getting men to join). There are OES Chapters in England, mostly in the North of England but there are two in Hants. I know a few Starries, both men and women. I know some men and women in the Order of the Amaranth and a few of the local lady Masons as well. Star and Amaranth have always had a better following locally. I think there used to be (and maybe still is) a White Shrine in Aberdeen.

I've thought about joining the Star and have had many broad hints ("Bill, you should join the Star!") but I am in more than enough stuff with the men-only Orders.

Does your obedience allow you to join these other organisations?
Last edited by Susurration on Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Timeline of Women's Rights - other than vote

Postby Bright Star » Sat Sep 13, 2014 10:25 am

OWF is a women only group. UGLE does not recognise it so we have gone our own way. The Order of Women Freemasons is the oldest and largest Masonic organisation for women in Great Britain and works on the lines of regular male Freemasonry. https://www.owf.org.uk/about-us/history/

apologies - off on holiday now but will catch up after
take care
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Re: Timeline of Women's Rights - other than vote

Postby admin » Sat Sep 13, 2014 1:29 pm

Bright Star I do not know where you are getting your info from but it is not accurate

http://www.ugle.org.uk/what-is-freemaso ... -questions
Yes. Whilst UGLE, following the example of medieval stonemasons, is, and has always been, restricted to men, women Freemasons have two separate Grand Lodges, which are restricted to women.

http://freemasonrytoday.com/ugle-sgc/ug ... Exhibition
At the end of May the Deputy Grand Master opened the Women and Freemasonry Exhibition in the Library and Museum. It covers the development of Freemasonry for Women in the early years of the last century. At the preview guests included lady representatives from the various women’s organisations including the Order of Women Freemasons and the Honourable Fraternity of Antient Freemasons. We maintain our independence from the women’s organisations and they are happy to maintain their independence from us. Apart from the historical interest, the Exhibition has a valuable public relations benefit. It will help to dispel the commonly held myth, among non-Masons, that there are no women in Freemasonry! I commend the Exhibition to you.
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Re: Timeline of Women's Rights - other than vote

Postby Susurration » Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:38 pm

Our Craft Lodges
There are lodges in the following counties of the United Kingdom
Scotland, Wales

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Re: Timeline of Women's Rights - other than vote

Postby Seeking-Light » Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:38 pm

Our Craft Lodges
There are lodges in the following counties of the United Kingdom
Scotland, Wales]

Just a wee bit vague ..

Before my oes chapter went dormant , I had occasion to meet several lady masons who took great pleasure in greeting you with all the appropriate tokens . Luckily I had been given the heads up this might happen or I would have been rather surprised !

I believe there is or was a lady mason lodge in Kirkcaldy although they had to travel further afield to do other non craft degrees.

I am not sure what obedience these lady masons belonged to .

I wish these lady masons well
Scottish freemason ..
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Re: Timeline of Women's Rights - other than vote

Postby Bright Star » Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:56 pm

http://www.masonicnetwork.org/blog/2009 ... eemasonry/
The United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), Grand Lodge of Scotland and all the Grand Lodges in the United States along with other Grand Lodges which are concordant in that regular tradition, do not formally recognize any Masonic body that accepts women.

I have been and had a tour of UGLE. It is a divine building. I also saw the women's exhibition. I was lucky enough to attend the centenary of OWF in London.

Perhaps I worded my comments wrongly and thank you for pointing me to your articles. Being new to this forum I haven't found my way around obviously.
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Re: Timeline of Women's Rights - other than vote

Postby Postiebear » Sun Sep 13, 2020 11:25 pm

I have been approached by many women who have said such things as freemasonary is sexist and women should be allowed to join. They are shocked that there are lodges for women

I have pointed 4 women towards the order of women Freemasons, one has been initiated

Another is still debating,
I have not had any feed back from the other 2
However whilst there are lots of information regarding UGLE I found the information on female lodges limited.
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Re: Timeline of Women's Rights - other than vote

Postby Trouillogan » Wed Sep 16, 2020 10:56 am

The amount of information is more or less relative to the size of the organisation. In comparison to the OWF and the HFAF, UGLE is huge. It has a fully professional public relations machine which the two ladies' Grand Lodges understandably cannot match. However, both of them have good informative web sites and the HFAF even has a North American province. Hopefully some ladies will come on here and fill in further details.
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