Happy Birthdays

Anything you find amusing, just to lighten the chat.

Moderators: Peter Dowling, Peter Moir, MrBenn, Peter Taylor, JulesTheBit

Happy Birthdays

Postby Peter Dowling » Sun Jul 08, 2018 4:01 pm

Happy Birthday Eckywan and Steve (7) Coath
Craft 8945 Kent PM. PPGStdB
Craft 1361 London PM. LGR. Sec.
R.A. 8945
MMM 152 PM, 378 PM, 767 PM, 2031 Founder.
Kent Installed MMM 999 Tyler.
Kent MMM Stewards 1691 Tyler.
MMM Kent ProvGTyler, PProvGSD
RAM 380 PC, 152 WC.
RAM Installed Commanders 999 Tyler.
R.S.M. 180
AMD 99 P.M. 273, ProvGIG
OSM 188, 358 PProvGStdB
S.C. 36 TI. ProvGWarder
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Peter Dowling
Posts: 9489
Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:18 pm
Location: Dover, Kent.

Re: Happy Birthdays

Postby Peter Dowling » Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:38 am

Birthday up early, moving house today (7)
Craft 8945 Kent PM. PPGStdB
Craft 1361 London PM. LGR. Sec.
R.A. 8945
MMM 152 PM, 378 PM, 767 PM, 2031 Founder.
Kent Installed MMM 999 Tyler.
Kent MMM Stewards 1691 Tyler.
MMM Kent ProvGTyler, PProvGSD
RAM 380 PC, 152 WC.
RAM Installed Commanders 999 Tyler.
R.S.M. 180
AMD 99 P.M. 273, ProvGIG
OSM 188, 358 PProvGStdB
S.C. 36 TI. ProvGWarder
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Peter Dowling
Posts: 9489
Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:18 pm
Location: Dover, Kent.

Re: Happy Birthdays

Postby eckywan2 » Tue Oct 30, 2018 9:46 am

Happy birthday back to you Peter
Have a nice moving day
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Re: Happy Birthdays

Postby Peter Dowling » Wed Aug 03, 2022 8:15 am

Big 60 for me today! Off for lunch down beach then a few jars later (7)
Craft 8945 Kent PM. PPGStdB
Craft 1361 London PM. LGR. Sec.
R.A. 8945
MMM 152 PM, 378 PM, 767 PM, 2031 Founder.
Kent Installed MMM 999 Tyler.
Kent MMM Stewards 1691 Tyler.
MMM Kent ProvGTyler, PProvGSD
RAM 380 PC, 152 WC.
RAM Installed Commanders 999 Tyler.
R.S.M. 180
AMD 99 P.M. 273, ProvGIG
OSM 188, 358 PProvGStdB
S.C. 36 TI. ProvGWarder
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Peter Dowling
Posts: 9489
Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:18 pm
Location: Dover, Kent.

Re: Happy Birthdays

Postby Lang Spoon » Wed Aug 03, 2022 1:05 pm

All the best, Peter, have a good one - you're still just a laddie (47)

Is there a reason you posted this under th "Jokes and Humour" section? (1)
Then gently scan your brother man,
Still gentler sister woman;
Though they may gang a kennin' wrang,
To step aside is human.
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