Those who are interested in the Masonic beginnings ?

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Those who are interested in the Masonic beginnings ?

Postby admin » Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:56 pm ... 5&strquery
Folio 165-7.

Ordinacio Lathamorum.

15 Oct., 21 Edward IV. [A. D. 1481], came good men of the Art or Mistery of Masons of the City of London into the Court of the lord the King in the Chamber of the Guildhall, before the Mayor and Aldermen, and prayed that certain articles for the better regulation of the Mistery might be approved, which articles were to the following effect:—

That freemen of the said craft, mistery, or science shall, on the Feast of Holy Trinity or within ten days of the same, assemble together in some suitable place within the City and choose two of themselves, being householders, to be Wardens of the Craft for the two years next ensuing, the said new Wardens being presented by the old Wardens and 4 or 6 other honest persons of the Craft for approval and sworn in the Chamber of the Guildhall.

That all money, jewels, goods and necessaries belonging to the Fellowship be delivered to the new Wardens, and an account rendered.

That a freeman who has been duly elected Warden and refuses to take office be brought before the Mayor or the Chamberlain as a rebel against his fellowship and forfeit the sum of 40s. for his disobedience.

That once in every three years the members be clad in a livery at the discretion of 6 honest persons or more of the said Craft, such as the Wardens and Fellowship shall appoint thereto, and that every one admitted to the livery, and able to bear the charge thereof, refusing to take it or wear it, be liable to forfeit the sum of 6s. 8d.

That once in every two years they attend Mass at Christchurch within Aldgate, clad in their livery, and each make offering of one penny; and afterwards go to their dinner or recreation at a place appointed, accompanied by their wives if they will. Each member to pay 12 pence for his own dinner, and 8 pence for his wife's dinner if present. Any one absenting himself from the said Mass, offering, or dinner, without reasonable cause, to forfeit 3s. 4d.

Provided always that the dinner be kept the year of the election of the new Wardens, and the "clothyng" given the following year.

That every freeman of the Craft shall attend at Christchurch on the Feast of Quatuor Coronati (fn. 9) [8 Nov.] to hear Mass, under penalty of 12 pence.

That certain days be kept for payment of quarterages, viz., 3 pence a quarter, an extra payment of 2 pence being made towards any recreation provided on those days by the Wardens. Those absenting themselves without reasonable excuse to be liable to a forfeiture of 12 pence.

No one to be admitted into the freedom of the Craft by the Wardens until examined and proved "connyng" therein, under penalty of 40s. Servants and apprentices not to be enticed away from their masters. Brothers of the Craft not to rebuke or revile the Wardens or each other. Lastly, the Wardens to have a right of search, and the oversight and correction of all manner of work appertaining to the science of Masons within the City and suburbs, in conjunction with an officer of the Mayor assigned to them for the purpose.

Petition granted.

British History Online is a great place to poke around, try a few searches and see what you can uncover.
Bill McElligott [PPGJW - PPGASoj] -
The Masonic Brotherhood of The Blue Forget-Me-Not
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Re: Those who are interested in the Masonic beginnings ?

Postby Eckywan » Wed May 21, 2014 11:28 pm

OK Im biased as I was born in Kilwinning
and Ive heard a lot about a lodge in York asking and receiving advive From the Kilwinning lodge about 970 ad
which was the basis of the present YORK RITE
I have been told that this document is in safe keeping at The Ashmolean Museum
and wonder if anyone can accesss a copy in English is possinle or original or even better both!


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Re: Those who are interested in the Masonic beginnings ?

Postby Eckywan » Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:31 am

OOOPS sorry please excuse my tipping mstooks
I hope some info or ADVICE is POSSIBLE
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Re: Those who are interested in the Masonic beginnings ?

Postby russellholland » Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:13 pm

I have found it interesting to track the components of the ritual back to ancient times. This avoids problems with different names in different times. Thus the "sons of light" became the "sons of the widow".

Also the ritual content can show various groups joining (concealing themselves within?) the more public group of Freemasonry e.g. the Rosecroix ritual is full of alchemical instruction.
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