Family freemason medal research

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Family freemason medal research

Postby FreemasonJar » Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:07 pm


New here!
And joined specifically to find some answers, I hope you can help.

Last year my partners Grandmother moved into a retirement home and we were given some items from her house during the clear out.
One of these items is a case that contains a full masonic uniform, plus a spare, a certificate and four medals.

It seems to belong to her older brother although the entire family thought it was the Grandfathers, until I looked at it today.

I have no specific questions, however, what piqued my interest was that inital research shows the medals are from a Scottish based lodge (Fleur de Lys) yet the brother was a London based man.

All information about what type of medals they are and lodge information etc etc etc is greatly welcomed. We are very fascinated by it all.

here's a link to the photos on dropbox: ... Pbu9a?dl=0
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Re: Family freemason medal research

Postby admin » Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:34 pm

Here is the record of the Lodge

It amalamayed with another Lodge and it looks like it is a UK Lodge.

The Woeshipful Past Master Jewel is the one of interest [ with the lodge name on it ] it is given to the Master of a Lodge when his year inthe chair is finished.

The latin 'vicesimus tertius' seems to mean 'The twenty third'

The Apron is a UK Lodge Worshipful Master apron.
Bill McElligott [PPGJW - PPGASoj] -
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Re: Family freemason medal research

Postby Trouillogan » Mon Jan 04, 2016 6:14 pm

admin wrote:Here is the record of the Lodge

It amalamayed with another Lodge and it looks like it is a UK Lodge.

The Woeshipful Past Master Jewel is the one of interest [ with the lodge name on it ] it is given to the Master of a Lodge when his year inthe chair is finished.

The latin 'vicesimus tertius' seems to mean 'The twenty third'

The Apron is a UK Lodge Worshipful Master apron.

Just wondering what a UK Lodge might be! (19)
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Re: Family freemason medal research

Postby MrBenn » Mon Jan 04, 2016 7:00 pm

Typo I'm sure....UGLE (England & Wales)
Too much sherry over the new year no doubt.... (27)
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Re: Family freemason medal research

Postby Richard George » Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:19 pm

And for info, the other jewels are charity jewels; they mark donations to periodic fund raising efforts for one or other of the Masonic Charities

Seeing this PM jewel is quite poignent as my mother lodge is No 6179.
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Re: Family freemason medal research

Postby admin » Tue Jan 05, 2016 12:10 am

Trouillogan wrote:Just wondering what a UK Lodge might be! (19)

Technically it is a UK Lodge but not Scottish as was suggested, England or UGLE is what I should have said.

I am the same with Colour and Religion I just do not see no difference.
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