Advice on joining

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Advice on joining

Postby mrgoodkat » Tue Oct 20, 2015 2:55 am

Hey guys,

I'm 30 and thinking about joining the Freemasons in Hong Kong. I've moved here about 10 years ago to run a trading and wholesale business.

Why do I want to join? After living here for such a long time, I suddenly realized that I don't actually know anyone and I am not sure in which direction I should move from here. Should I continue in China or move back to my home country etc. The reason for this is that although I'm legally a resident in Hong Kong, my job requires me to spend most of my time in Mainland China. I don't meet people outside of work and the culture in China is so that most people I meet want something out of that meeting. I'm now at a point where that makes me really tired all the time.

I don't know anyone who is a mason, but writing the local lodge is pretty straightforward, so I'm not worried about getting an initial meeting. What worries me are the two references I assume I will have to name for my background check. I honestly don't know two people who know me well enough to act as my reference. Another thing that worries me is that Freemasonry in HK seems to be kind of elitist. There are only a bit over 1000 members and I'm not sure what the chances are for someone who isn't in the legal or finance profession.

Do you think it would be worth a try?

Before I apply, I'd also like to know the difference between the constitutions. HK being a former colony the lodge building is shared by all lodges and all 3 constitutions are represented. Which constitution would be the most fun to join? What exactly are the difference between the English, Irish and Scottish system?

Thank you very much. I'm sure your answers will lead to more questions in the future ;)
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Re: Advice on joining

Postby Trouillogan » Tue Oct 20, 2015 10:14 am

Welcome mrgoodcat. You may be surprised when you have joined that there could well be people you know already! As to referees, when you have made your application, there will be a period during which some of the members will want to get to know you, mainly through socialising and perhaps at special meetings where non-masons are invited. So, you don't need to know any Masons initially, though it would help things progress a little quicker. As to which constitution, well I cannot help there except to say that there is a lot of intervisiting between them. So perhaps it doesn't matter too much in the first instance. There would be nothing to prevent you from changing to another constitution later on should you feel the desire.
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Re: Advice on joining

Postby admin » Tue Oct 20, 2015 12:40 pm

I am presuming you are UK born. ?

if you return to the UK or visit and wish to continue attending Lodge with as little fuss as possible it would be sensible to join a recocnised Lodge in Hong Kong. is the Chinese Grand Lodge recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England.
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Re: Advice on joining

Postby mrgoodkat » Tue Oct 20, 2015 1:10 pm

All the district grand lodges seem to be recognized as far as I can tell.
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Re: Advice on joining

Postby Trouillogan » Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:34 am

You will find the lists of UGLE District Grand Lodges and recognised foreign Grand Lodges here:
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Re: Advice on joining

Postby eric384 » Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:29 am

As far as I am aware, none of the Scottish Lodges nor the District have websites, but information on when they meet is available here ... e-far-east

The Irish Province does have a web presence at
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Re: Advice on joining

Postby Eckywan » Sun Oct 25, 2015 8:19 pm

Welcome to Lodgeroom Sir
It may be helpful , for your future return, to join a HK lodge with that background
ie if your Scots join an HK lodge with GLoS affiliations

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Re: Advice on joining

Postby eckywan2 » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:50 am

Hows this progressing?
If you care to tell us your own background/ occupation etc and where you come from maybees we can help you more
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Re: Advice on joining

Postby Mike Martin » Wed Dec 16, 2015 11:12 am

I would agree with the brethren.

If you will be returning to your native land it makes sense to join a Lodge under its District Grand Lodge as that will remove all complications of Joining and/or Visiting when you return. You will also quickly make the acquaintance of the majority of the members under the other Constitutions as they have many memberships in common and frequent each others' Lodge meetings.

This is reinforced by the fact that the Grand Lodge of China is actually in exile and only has Lodges on Taipei so isn't likely to be much good to you for fraternal relations although as a member under one of the Home Grand Lodges you will still be able to visit meetings of its Lodges.

Good luck.
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