
Reports and comments concerning UGLE

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Postby Theinnerguard » Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:38 pm

Apologies if this is inappropriate but out of curiosity I am interested if any of the senior members of UGLE or MetGL draw a salary. I am assuming that some positions are full time jobs.
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Re: Salaries

Postby TWells » Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:53 pm

I've often wondered that! I just didn't want my name to appear as the person asking!
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Re: Salaries

Postby Mike Martin » Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:05 am

There is a difference between "senior members" of Grand Lodge and those employed by the UGLE. The two things are not synonymous,

For example, the Grand Master is not employed by the UGLE but the Grand Secretary is, so obviously the Grand Secretary is paid.

However, (and as with the Charities) the majority of the staff of the UGLE are not actually Masons so there is not as much read across as there used to be.
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Re: Salaries

Postby Trouillogan » Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:40 am

One would be excused for expecting the Library and Museum to be staffed by Freemasons but, as far as I'm aware, only one of the male staff is on the square, and that relatively recently. However, some of the ladies are! What is important in this context, though, is that the department is operated by salaried, fully qualified professional curators, conservators and librarians. Little wonder, then, that it is an Accredited Museum by the Museum and Libraries Association and designated as an outstanding collection. I have always found it to be a quite extraordinary resource, much of which is nowadays available on line.
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Re: Salaries

Postby Mike Martin » Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:42 pm

The situation is the same in the Charities, people are employed for their ability to do the job not any Masonic attachment.

In the Grand Charity of the 28 salaried staff only 4 of us are also Freemasons. One of us retires in December and his replacement is not a Mason.

The only member of the MSF's salaried staff who was also a Freemason retired last year.

So for both these Masonic funded Charities the Masonic input comes from their respective Councils who are volunteers and from the general meetings which are attended by members.
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Postby Theinnerguard » Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:47 pm

That's interesting thank you brothers. So the GSec yes, what about PGM and the other highly ranked?
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Re: Salaries

Postby admin » Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:00 pm

I get £20,000 a month, you mean you Guys don't get anything (49)
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Re: Salaries

Postby Peter Taylor » Sat Sep 08, 2012 4:31 pm

admin wrote:I get £20,000 a month, you mean you Guys don't get anything (49)

Is that Salary, or are you a Charity case Bill? (2)
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Re: Salaries

Postby admin » Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:30 pm

It's just for my good looks.
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Re: Salaries

Postby JulesTheBit » Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:31 pm

Theinnerguard wrote:That's interesting thank you brothers. So the GSec yes, what about PGM and the other highly ranked?

PGMs paid? Certainly not! This isn't France 8-)

Depending on the size of a province, the PGSec and his deputy might be paid, and some provinces might employ admin staff, usually ladies who are not freemasons. I recall Essex Province employing 2 ladies part-time.

The MetGSec is paid (that job has been advertised in the national press in the past), and so is his deputy. There are also some Met. admin staff who are paid, all ladies and non-masons. The rest of the Met staff are unpaid volunteers.

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Postby Theinnerguard » Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:07 pm

Thank you Jules and all brethren who have replied
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Re: Salaries

Postby EssexMason » Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:45 am

Trouillogan wrote:....>>>>... Little wonder, then, that it is an Accredited Museum by the Museum and Libraries Association and designated as an outstanding collection....<<<<....

In that case, does it come under the same umbrella as our National museums, and receive an income as say the British Museum, or the IWM do ?
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Re: Salaries

Postby JulesTheBit » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:25 am

EssexMason wrote:
Trouillogan wrote:....>>>>... Little wonder, then, that it is an Accredited Museum by the Museum and Libraries Association and designated as an outstanding collection....<<<<....

In that case, does it come under the same umbrella as our National museums, and receive an income as say the British Museum, or the IWM do ?

No. British Museum, IWM etc are effectively owned and funded by the nation. The library & museum at Freemasons Hall is not owned by the nation, its owned by UGLE. It's accredited because its such an important collection, accessible to the public, and very well run.

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Re: Salaries

Postby JulesTheBit » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:08 am

Though thinking about this some more, there might just possibly be grants that the library could apply for.

Something along the lines of "We've got a first edition of xxxxx" There are only 4 in the world, all in museums and there's never been one sold on the open market. It's priceless. We allow public access to it, and it needs a little work ... could we have a grant towards its care and maintenance please".

I've absolutely no idea whether that might actually happen, but if I were the Culture Secretary I might be inclined to support such a request as a one-off, in very special circumstances.

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Re: Salaries

Postby Trouillogan » Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:30 pm

I'm quite sure, Jules, that Diane will have a very close eye on any grants that can be applied for.
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Re: Salaries

Postby Richard George » Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:19 pm

I can state with some authority that non of the Cambs positions are paid. The only recompense is mileage when travelling on Provincial business.
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Postby Paterson Burns » Sun Feb 09, 2014 7:00 pm

In Saskatchewan, as it is other places, the Grand Secretary is a salaried position and 1 part time staffer is paid. The grand lodge line officers receive a stipend to offset travel costs, but it doesn't cover much when you consider the distance to travel.

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