The Knights of Malta and Freemasonry

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The Knights of Malta and Freemasonry

Postby The Uninitiated » Thu Jun 15, 2017 3:13 pm

Not 'our' Knights of Malta... but the other one: the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta

It seems the Pontiff has been issuing edicts:
“The Pope also made it clear to Cardinal Burke that he wanted Freemasonry ‘cleaned out’ from the order…” ... reemasonry ... hts-malta/
PM of Mercury Lodge No.4581 & Joshua of Mercury Chapter No.4581, Ch.Std of Mid-Wessex LoIM No.8859
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Re: The Knights of Malta and Freemasonry

Postby Trouillogan » Fri Jun 16, 2017 5:42 pm

Since different political or faith systems are subjects on which we, as freemasons, do not and cannot express opinions, those articles do not concern us. It does, however, seem a shame that uninformed members of the public continually rail against us on the sole basis of 'common gossip' (the phrase used in a 1738 Latin document denouncing freemasonry). As we know from our own experience and regardless of such unfounded pronouncements by political and religious organisations, it is a truth that we have members of every monotheistic faith system and we accept them with open arms; erecting no barriers. There are, of course, groups calling themselves freemasons that act in the political and religious spheres but we regard them as irregular and cannot accept them as freemasons. Unfortunately this is something that appears not to be understood clearly enough around the world. There would seem to be very little more we can do that our regular Grand Lodges are not already doing to drive that message home. So we must just carry on doing what we do to demonstrate by example our individual natures.
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Re: The Knights of Malta and Freemasonry

Postby eckywan2 » Sat Jun 17, 2017 1:09 pm

Well said Truly even!
As a past Preceptor I have many personal views on our history and not a lot of time for ANY present politicians
On the other hand Ive Palestinian and Jewish friends / who are brethren, and I even speak to English !
Such is the nature of our craft
and while I may want to prevail against the enemies of the cross,
within craft degrees I accept all faiths
IA friend / brother who used to work in the Vatican has returned to be senior priest in a famous French town and his local bishop has instructed him to resign from his lodge but as he says its also in his heart forever.
Another friend who is a famous stuntfighter and looks the part of a Knight is a member of the non masonic Knights of Malta and enjoys it very much.
PS congrats to the newly raised "Hairy Rebel Knight" Sir Billy the Big Yin !!
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Re: The Knights of Malta and Freemasonry

Postby Trouillogan » Sat Jun 17, 2017 1:44 pm

eckywan2 wrote:Well said Truly even!
As a past Preceptor I have many personal views on our history and not a lot of time for ANY present politicians
On the other hand Ive Palestinian and Jewish friends / who are brethren, and I even speak to English !
Such is the nature of our craft
and while I may want to prevail against the enemies of the cross,
within craft degrees I accept all faiths
IA friend / brother who used to work in the Vatican has returned to be senior priest in a famous French town and his local bishop has instructed him to resign from his lodge but as he says its also in his heart forever.
Another friend who is a famous stuntfighter and looks the part of a Knight is a member of the non masonic Knights of Malta and enjoys it very much.
PS congrats to the newly raised "Hairy Rebel Knight" Sir Billy the Big Yin !!

I wonder what reason was relied upon for the instruction to resign from freemasonry. Mind you, if he is/was a member of the Orient, then the priest might possibly have a point to argue but certainly not to dictate. However, my personal view would in any case be that it's nobody's business except for the brother concerned.
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Re: The Knights of Malta and Freemasonry

Postby eckywan2 » Sat Jun 17, 2017 8:33 pm

GLNF rather than G Orient
Mind you they have an interesting history, with a great museum at Rue Cadet HQ
I think the reason was simply the Bishops own bias rather than any real reason
and Brothers need to obey
Although I also agree its no one else's business
I saw him last in September 2015 and hes happy where he is
so that's his choice to comply

On the other hand our KT district has a regular divine service at Nunraw abbey and are well received
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Re: The Knights of Malta and Freemasonry

Postby The Uninitiated » Sun Jun 18, 2017 8:27 am

Following a thread, I note that anyone being proposed to join the UK's Chivalric Order of St John (the "parent" body of inter alia St John's Ambulance) has to declare that they are not, nor will become, a member of a Specified Body, which is defined as:
A Specified Body is, broadly, a body which says it is an Order of St. John organisation or one which uses the eight-pointed white cross as its emblem, but is not one of the Mutually Recognised Orders referred to in Section 3.

'Our' Masonic Order of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta would appear to fall within the definition :(

Perhaps our Grand Master should have a quiet word with his Cousin, Her Majesty?
PM of Mercury Lodge No.4581 & Joshua of Mercury Chapter No.4581, Ch.Std of Mid-Wessex LoIM No.8859
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Re: The Knights of Malta and Freemasonry

Postby eckywan2 » Sun Jun 18, 2017 9:50 am

When was the last time you ever saw them together?
Given the probs caused by Philips reticence regarding craft do you think the subject would ever arise?
Next time I'm in St Johns Street in Edinburgh I will pop in and ask them directly

I mean St Johns HQ not YOUR maj
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Re: The Knights of Malta and Freemasonry

Postby MrMason » Tue Jun 20, 2017 9:11 am

The Uninitiated wrote:Following a thread, I note that anyone being proposed to join the UK's Chivalric Order of St John (the "parent" body of inter alia St John's Ambulance) has to declare that they are not, nor will become, a member of a Specified Body, which is defined as:
A Specified Body is, broadly, a body which says it is an Order of St. John organisation or one which uses the eight-pointed white cross as its emblem, but is not one of the Mutually Recognised Orders referred to in Section 3.

'Our' Masonic Order of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta would appear to fall within the definition :(

Perhaps our Grand Master should have a quiet word with his Cousin, Her Majesty?

There are numerous Scottish Freemasons who are members of the Order of St John and the Masonic KT/Malta.

Never been an issue as far as I'm aware.
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Re: The Knights of Malta and Freemasonry

Postby MrMason » Tue Jun 20, 2017 9:19 am

In fact if you go to the news pages of the the Order of StJohn Scotland, there's probably a member of the Masonic KT/Malta in most photo's. I know of at least 3 Past District Grand Priors, (equivalent to England's Past Provincial Priors), and several members of Great Priory of Scotland, including a Past Grand Master of the Scottish Kt/Malta, who are strongly involved in the Order of St John.
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Re: The Knights of Malta and Freemasonry

Postby eric384 » Tue Jun 20, 2017 2:25 pm

The Uninitiated wrote:Following a thread, I note that anyone being proposed to join the UK's Chivalric Order of St John (the "parent" body of inter alia St John's Ambulance) has to declare that they are not, nor will become, a member of a Specified Body, which is defined as:
A Specified Body is, broadly, a body which says it is an Order of St. John organisation or one which uses the eight-pointed white cross as its emblem, but is not one of the Mutually Recognised Orders referred to in Section 3.

'Our' Masonic Order of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta would appear to fall within the definition :(

Perhaps our Grand Master should have a quiet word with his Cousin, Her Majesty?

There is no problem here. The Masonic body is a Masonic Order of Malta, whereas the restriction quoted is of any body claiming itself to be an Order of St John. There are several Orders of St John, many of which, as stated, are Mutually Recognised Orders. What they won't accept is, say, a so called Chivalric body setting itself up in Paraguay with no provenance through one of the existing recognised bodies and members of it trying to join our Queen's St John.
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