New Lodgeroom Sites

The Links section is to post any links you may think others would be interested in. any further discussion between members should be created on another section. You can easily collect the area you are interested in discussing and others can expand upon it.

Moderators: Peter Dowling, Peter Moir, MrBenn, Peter Taylor, JulesTheBit, middlepillar

New Lodgeroom Sites

Postby admin » Thu Aug 03, 2023 11:43 am

Bill McElligott [PPGJW - PPGASoj] -
The Masonic Brotherhood of The Blue Forget-Me-Not
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Re: New Lodgeroom Sites

Postby admin » Mon Sep 25, 2023 2:17 pm

It looks like Lodgeroom sites are being targeted. Several are corrupted. If you find something wrong , I will fix it.
Bill McElligott [PPGJW - PPGASoj] -
The Masonic Brotherhood of The Blue Forget-Me-Not
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