Searching for F. de P. Castells

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Searching for F. de P. Castells

Postby The Bullfigther » Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:46 pm

Dear Brethren:

Just in case you might help me.

I translate books on Freemasonry for Editorial Masonica, a Spanish publisher focused on Freemasonry. So far I have translated, apart from some rituals, Walter Leslie Wilmshurst's The Meaning of Masonry, The Masonic Initiation and we have also released as a separate book The Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem, which is the fourth part of The Meaning of Masonry.

I am proud to say that I have been the translator of Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma into Spanish, which has taken me a few years. You can see all these books in this link, (if you click on the cover of already released books it will lead you to the publisher's page).

The fact is that now I am translating a book written by a peculiar character who was born in Spain in 1870 but when he was 22 he became Brisith Citizen and did a great work for years for the Bible Society. His name is Reverend F. de P. Castells and the title of book is Historical Analysis of the Holy Royal Arch Ritual.

I am trying to rescue this character for actual Freemasons, particularly for the Spanish.

In this web page I have summarised all the information I have found about him in the internet (his books on Freemasonry are down the bottom).

It is becoming evident to me that sooner or later I will have to contact the Bible Society in Swindon. But before I do that I rather try to collect all possible information from forums or other pages.

If you happened to know anything about F. de P. Castells, or which would be more practical, if you know about any Brother who is particularly interested in old books or Biblical exegesis or this kind of things, I would be grateful if you'd let me know.
The Bullfigther
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Aug 04, 2014 3:26 pm

Re: Searching for F. de P. Castells

Postby Eckywan » Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:17 pm

Hi Bro
Ivd got a contact in France who is a Brother and also a Catholic priest,
he used to work in the vatican library and is sort of semi retired to a parish in Normandy
He is no longer active in Craft but may be able and willing to help via myself or , hopefully direct ,
so I will pass on the links and let him contact you direct ( off this site)
or I will pass on any info given here myself
frfaternal greetings
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