Rosslyn chapel lectures

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Rosslyn chapel lectures

Postby Alistair » Fri Mar 06, 2015 6:33 pm

Might be of interest to someone ... tson-P744/

Series of 3 lectures/discussions for £18 by local historian and author Ian Robertson
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Re: Rosslyn chapel lectures

Postby Eckywan » Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:24 am

Alistair I just opened this...... as vistor no 606!!
apologies to all others , locals will know 606 as the Roslin lodge

eckywan ---- once upon a time I wrote what became a website but closed it after ten years
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Re: Rosslyn chapel lectures

Postby admin » Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:21 pm

I think I still have some Rosslyn CD's left somewhere.

I believe they sold for £10

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Re: Rosslyn chapel lectures

Postby Snipersunset » Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:58 am

Do you still have any of those CDs left as I may be interested if you have?
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Re: Rosslyn chapel lectures

Postby admin » Tue Nov 24, 2015 2:48 am

I will have a serch. Get back when I have moved about 30 boxes.
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Re: Rosslyn chapel lectures

Postby Dalkeith » Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:28 pm

On this topic, the IPM of roslin 606, does Masonic tours of the chapel, I'm hoping to take him up on this next month with a few other brethren from No10

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Re: Rosslyn chapel lectures

Postby Trouillogan » Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:14 am

Dalkeith wrote:On this topic, the IPM of roslin 606, does Masonic tours of the chapel, I'm hoping to take him up on this next month with a few other brethren from No10

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Before you do, consider reading 'The Rosslyn Hoax?' by Bob Cooper. It will give you questions to ask your guide and what you might be able to believe on your tour. I expect Bill would be able to supply a copy.
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Re: Rosslyn chapel lectures

Postby Dalkeith » Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:03 am

Trouillogan wrote:
Dalkeith wrote:On this topic, the IPM of roslin 606, does Masonic tours of the chapel, I'm hoping to take him up on this next month with a few other brethren from No10

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Before you do, consider reading 'The Rosslyn Hoax?' by Bob Cooper. It will give you questions to ask your guide and what you might be able to believe on your tour. I expect Bill would be able to supply a copy.

That's a good idea, I might look into that.

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Re: Rosslyn chapel lectures

Postby eckywan2 » Sat Jan 23, 2016 10:53 am

Dalkeith Hi
remember your work training, to look at both sides of any argument and query what Bob C says , he's got a book to sell,
Ive been a member of The friends of Roslin for 30 + years and was one of the first to join the present owners group The Roslin Trust

BUT my advice now, to any visitors to Roslin Chapel, is just to go in with a clear unbiased mind, and feel the ambiance, the spiritualism, whatever name you want to put on it. All other info you can get from books and Mr google later.
( Jim remember Bro Pauls face, as a foreigner trying to understand Tam O'Shanter, and imagine it )without it being in context of a lodge Burns supper

Trouillogan , sorry but the official guides read from an agreed script and dont really understand, best using locals like Dalkeith using the present RWM of 606.

30 years ago I had the pleasure of tours from Bro James Mackay Munro PM of 606 amd known , internationally for his masonic tours, well prior to Dan Brown.
I say tourS as I often have taken other visitors there with Jim , or found him there with others , Best being with frere / pere TVF Jean Claude Desbrosse PM and founder of RSE in France. who because of his training as a Catholic priest , was able to put bible stories to the sculptures better than anyone I've ever heard

NB JIm / Dalkeith the present Earl /owner of Roslin Chapel and castle is a cop ! Met Pol Commander recently retired , in charge of Royal Protection and all the royal palaces ( including OURS at PHH) and now with a job with real prospects as Head of Household for Prince Charles. and he's a really nice guy but not a brother.

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Re: Rosslyn chapel lectures

Postby Trouillogan » Sat Jan 23, 2016 6:00 pm

eckywan2 wrote:Dalkeith Hi
remember your work training, to look at both sides of any argument and query what Bob C says , he's got a book to sell,
Ive been a member of The friends of Roslin for 30 + years and was one of the first to join the present owners group The Roslin Trust

BUT my advice now, to any visitors to Roslin Chapel, is just to go in with a clear unbiased mind, and feel the ambiance, the spiritualism, whatever name you want to put on it. All other info you can get from books and Mr google later.
( Jim remember Bro Pauls face, as a foreigner trying to understand Tam O'Shanter, and imagine it )without it being in context of a lodge Burns supper

Trouillogan , sorry but the official guides read from an agreed script and dont really understand, best using locals like Dalkeith using the present RWM of 606.

30 years ago I had the pleasure of tours from Bro James Mackay Munro PM of 606 amd known , internationally for his masonic tours, well prior to Dan Brown.
I say tourS as I often have taken other visitors there with Jim , or found him there with others , Best being with frere / pere TVF Jean Claude Desbrosse PM and founder of RSE in France. who because of his training as a Catholic priest , was able to put bible stories to the sculptures better than anyone I've ever heard

NB JIm / Dalkeith the present Earl /owner of Roslin Chapel and castle is a cop ! Met Pol Commander recently retired , in charge of Royal Protection and all the royal palaces ( including OURS at PHH) and now with a job with real prospects as Head of Household for Prince Charles. and he's a really nice guy but not a brother.

Fraternally as always


Agreed - look at both sides. Also, agreed that Bob has a book to sell but he is a serious and consciencious researcher basing his various works on demonstrable evidence, as befits a librarian and curator of GLoS and a respected PM of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge. If you've not already done so, I would suggest you look at the biographical notes under 'Recent Past Masters' on the QC Lodge web site. Those notes did not come from his mouth (because he is very modest and reticent) but took some time to collate from what we were able to find publicly.

I would suggest that, as a Scot, Bob is unlikely to decry the attractions of such an edifice as the Rosslyn chapel and if you read well researched material about any significant place you visit, you will the better know what to look for and what to ask about. Were I to visit the Cistine chapel, I would want to read up about it first so as to avoid missing out on some part of particular interest to me - wouldn't anyone with a serious interest?
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Re: Rosslyn chapel lectures

Postby eckywan2 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 11:04 am

Correct of course Trouilogan
BUT Im just saying to let Roslin Chapel speak to you itself
Jim Munro's (PM 606) favourite phrase was "feel the effect of the ley lines " and their strength in the south east corner of the chapel.
Most visitors go to Roslin with good previous knowledge whether from Dan Brown or masonic sources, and can bone up on details later'
so just take the time for Roslin to give you its own atmosphere without contamination of outside biased thoughts one way or the other.
I'm spoiled of course living so close and probably every time I visit I see something "new" and research it later or often with another visit.
Bob Cooper Ive known for years and I am a Hon Mem of Lodge Edinburgh Castle 1764 of which Bob is a past master.
Just because he is a friend doesn't mean I have to agree with him all the time . After "The Roslin Hoax" was published he gave a talk to KTs at St Bernard of Clairvaux Preceptory which is like a L o I , research only ,( no grade working) and I disagreed with him over some points and was invited to give alternative talk the following meeting, ( I was a founder member) which was as much applauded as Bob had been. and not meant to be disrepectfull to him as Bob , or as Grand Curator.

Ive looked at QC stuff before and am unimpressed, and do'nt need its notes to tell me about Bro Bob who is Bro Bob first before Grand Curator, and a great guy!
Calling a book "The Roslin Hoax" is NOT decrying it????

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Re: Rosslyn chapel lectures

Postby Trouillogan » Sun Jan 24, 2016 12:17 pm

Each to his own, eckywan. I get much more out of a visit when I've read up about it first than when I haven't. I only mentioned the QC reference so those who don't know him have a slightly better understanding.
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Re: Rosslyn chapel lectures

Postby Dalkeith » Mon Jan 25, 2016 12:16 am

I have visited the chapel on a few occasions, taking friends there as it is a big attraction, and being so close, but of course, these visits were either a quick walk round, or using the tour guide. I am looking forward the walk through with the IPM of 606, and I'm sure I'll see a lot of things now that I never noticed before. This might be happening in March, I'll report back afterwards.


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Re: Rosslyn chapel lectures

Postby Menny011 » Thu Jun 11, 2020 11:58 am

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