Moderation and User Groups

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Moderation and User Groups

Postby The Uninitiated » Thu Feb 11, 2021 8:13 pm

I pondered where to post this, and here seemed the least inappropriate :-)

I appreciate that the Moderators here are all Volunteers - for which I metaphorically raise a glass (7) ,

However, of the nine Moderators listed, only three have logged in this year - the other six are long-term inactive, ranging from nearly four years to over eleven years!

I raise this for two reasons:
1. I am sure that there are members of the site who are prepared to step up as Moderators, if reinforcements are deemed worthy. I include myself.
2. I have some longstanding (by which I mean 12 month plus) applications for restricted UserGroups that I am (or at least should be) qualified to enter.
PM of Mercury Lodge No.4581 & Joshua of Mercury Chapter No.4581, Ch.Std of Mid-Wessex LoIM No.8859
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Re: Moderation and User Groups

Postby Peter Dowling » Fri Feb 12, 2021 1:03 am

Hi Andrew, can you list the user groups you have applied to join and will look into it.
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Re: Moderation and User Groups

Postby Peter Taylor » Fri Feb 12, 2021 8:52 am

I have checked every group for "Pending Members" and have approved you for the one outstanding group application.

But, you are right about admins and mods being absent. I'll look into it.

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PGM of Forfarshire, JGSB GLoS, PM Albert Lochee 448, PM Discovery 1789, Chap. Robert Burns Lodge 1788, Hon, 49, 54, 99, 164, 225, 299, 317, 327, 486, 593, 1220, 1308, Proxy Master 1371 Zambia, Ass. 198, Colorado: PZ RA Chapter Albert 503, RW Mark Master, Hon. 423: RAM, CC: AASR 31°, PMWS, PGC: SRIS 9°PC HC: ROoS: OSM: KT: KTP: RCC: Squaremen
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Re: Moderation and User Groups

Postby The Uninitiated » Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:28 pm

Peter Dowling wrote:Hi Andrew, can you list the user groups you have applied to join and will look into it.

Thanks Peter (and the other Peter)

  • Red Cross of Constantine
  • Royal Arch - Freemasons
  • [Done] Royal Ark Mariners - (done, thanks Peter)
PM of Mercury Lodge No.4581 & Joshua of Mercury Chapter No.4581, Ch.Std of Mid-Wessex LoIM No.8859
MMM/RAM: Camberley No.1131 - WM/WCN
A&AR: 30° - Faith No.210 -+- ROS (SEC)
RCC: DivHerald(Surrey), St George's No.18 (etc)
RSM: Weyside No.277 -+- AMD: Farnham No.235
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Re: Moderation and User Groups

Postby Peter Taylor » Fri Feb 12, 2021 2:17 pm

The Uninitiated wrote:Thanks Peter (and the other Peter)
  • Red Cross of Constantine
  • Royal Arch - Freemasons
  • [Done] Royal Ark Mariners - (done, thanks Peter)

PGM of Forfarshire, JGSB GLoS, PM Albert Lochee 448, PM Discovery 1789, Chap. Robert Burns Lodge 1788, Hon, 49, 54, 99, 164, 225, 299, 317, 327, 486, 593, 1220, 1308, Proxy Master 1371 Zambia, Ass. 198, Colorado: PZ RA Chapter Albert 503, RW Mark Master, Hon. 423: RAM, CC: AASR 31°, PMWS, PGC: SRIS 9°PC HC: ROoS: OSM: KT: KTP: RCC: Squaremen
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Re: Moderation and User Groups

Postby Peter Dowling » Sat Feb 13, 2021 2:12 am

(45) thanks Peter
Craft 8945 Kent PM. PPGStdB
Craft 1361 London PM. LGR. Sec.
R.A. 8945
MMM 152 PM, 378 PM, 767 PM, 2031 Founder.
Kent Installed MMM 999 Tyler.
Kent MMM Stewards 1691 Tyler.
RAM 380 PC, 152 PC
RAM Installed Commanders 999 Tyler.
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Re: Moderation and User Groups

Postby The Uninitiated » Sat Feb 13, 2021 9:34 am

Thank you.

My offer in the original post stands, but obviously I'll leave that to you to make any decisions.

(this thread can be locked)
PM of Mercury Lodge No.4581 & Joshua of Mercury Chapter No.4581, Ch.Std of Mid-Wessex LoIM No.8859
MMM/RAM: Camberley No.1131 - WM/WCN
A&AR: 30° - Faith No.210 -+- ROS (SEC)
RCC: DivHerald(Surrey), St George's No.18 (etc)
RSM: Weyside No.277 -+- AMD: Farnham No.235
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Re: Moderation and User Groups

Postby Richard George » Sat Feb 13, 2021 7:52 pm

To be brutally frank, I rarely look at the forums now as the only ones that appear to have anything new are the 'song title' and 'word association'; neither of which I read .. I wish I could hide them.
Richard George
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Re: Moderation and User Groups

Postby Stevecoath » Fri Feb 19, 2021 10:48 am

Sadly that is true of all the UK based masonic forums and has been so for many years now.
The Masonic Forum of Light has been taken over by people joining, and posting about purchasing medications etc.

I did think that due to the pandemic the forums would pick up.
Of course you could quite rightly say "instead of complaining why not write some posts" but tried that, no change.
PM, Edmonton Latymer Lodge 5026 UGLE (Hertfordshire); PZ, Edmonton Latymer Chapter 5026
WM, Gladsmuir MMM 367; WCN, Gladsmuir RAM 367; EP, Preceptory of Jacques de Molay 670; Waltham Holy Cross A&AR 372; Walnut Tree Conclave RCC 440; John Mortimer Council R&SM 247; Edgecumbe Council AMD 35(TI); Hertfordshire KTP 29; VII°, Blaise Pascal SRIA 70;
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Re: Moderation and User Groups

Postby admin » Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:35 pm

I created lodgeroom around 1990

30 years so please forgive me not being here all the time. It goes quiet and moderation is only required when someone posts.

My health and my wife's health is not so good , l just don't have the energy l used to have.

I am confident that if the activity increases the mods will add or change things.

Keep posting and you will draw that attention.
Bill McElligott [PPGJW - PPGASoj] -
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Re: Moderation and User Groups

Postby YHWH » Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:28 pm ... /index.php

unfortunately the Italian page has lost a lot of material, due to a cyber attack, if necessary, I am available ...
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