Credits to UGLE

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Credits to UGLE

Postby admin » Thu Dec 16, 2004 12:49 pm

We use some of the material from the UGLE site as a method of explanation, the right and credits as we have done in the past must always be with United Grand Ldge the address is below Here is the web site. It is used here to promote the web site and the information supplied therein. We are very pleased if you visit the site and see for yourself all the information contained in it.

Here is the Web Address: ... notice.htm

The United Grand Lodge Seal, photos, graphics and content is protected by copyright. Therefore, material belonging to the United Grand Lodge of England may not be copied, used, or distributed in any form or manner without the expressed permission of the United Grand Lodge of England.

If you wish to use, copy, any of the information contained on this website, please contact the United Grand Lodge of England (by post only) to:

The United Grand Lodge of England
Communications Department
Freemasons' Hall
60 Great Queen Street
Bill McElligott [PPGJW - PPGASoj] -
The Masonic Brotherhood of The Blue Forget-Me-Not
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Postby admin » Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:53 pm

United Grand Lodge of England

Internet Policy

This policy was approved by Grand Lodge on 8th March 2000.

Code of Practice for Masonic Web sites

Provinces, District, Lodges and individuals under the United Grand Lodge of England, and their equivalents under the Supreme Grand Chapter of England, who wish to establish Masonic web sites should submit their proposed content to the Grand Secretary for approval before they are brought into use.

Sites which are already in existence are invited to apply for approval.

Pages on a site which have been officially approved will be entitled to carry on each approved page:

a) the statement "This page has been approved by the United Grand Lodge of England", or
b) a small representation of the Arms of Grand Lodge with the statement "Approved by UGL of E"
(available from the Communications Department of Grand Lodge)

As Grand Lodge does not endorse the writings of individuals, pages giving the texts of talks, addresses, orations etc by individuals or extracts from books, pamphlets, journals, newspapers etc will not be entitled to carry any form of Grand Lodge approval.

It should be remembered that web sites are available to any member of the public world wide and care should be taken that views put forward reflect Grand Lodge policy. Any web site produced by a unit under the United Grand Lodge of England will be seen as a reflection of that body regardless of who has set it up.

Names, addresses and personal details of living individuals, or photographs of them, must not be entered on the web site without their written permission.

A web site for a Lodge of Chapter may not be set up by an individual without the agreement of the Lodge or Chapter concerned.

Lodge or Chapter summonses, which contain personal details, may not be posted on the open pages of the web site, though there would be no objection on a ‘news’ page to commenting on what in general is to happen at the next meeting e.g. elections, a talk or which ceremony is to be worked (without giving the candidates details). Similarly, Lodge or Chapter minutes may not be posted on open pages.

Care should be taken to ensure that the web site is kept up to date.

Care should be taken over the inclusion of copyright material. Copyright subsists not only in the printed word (not just books but also newspapers, magazines and pamphlets) but also in ‘images’ (photography and art works). If such material is to be used the copyright holder’s permission must be sought. Failure to do so can lead to prosecution.

If a web site includes a ‘visitors book’ or ‘comments page’ these should be carefully monitored and any items including profanity, religious, political or anti-Masonic comments should be removed as soon as possible.

If a web site is to provide links to other Masonic web sites the bona fides of these web sites should be checked with the Grand Secretary‘s office

I think we should repeat the conditions applying to Chat rooms and forums we will update as we receive any amendments.

Internet - Forums and ‘Chat Rooms’
It has been brought to the notice of the Board that some Brethren are using the Internet not only to make contact with other Freemasons, which may be unexceptionable, but also as a means of seeking guidance on questions which should properly be addressed to their Provincial or District Grand Secretaries, from whom authoritative answers are available. Such enquiries frequently elicit a variety of different answers (of which many are, in the nature of things, likely to be wrong) and the Board considers that directing questions on protocol and similar matters to those participating in an Internet forum is inappropriate both for that reason and because of the nature of the subject-matter involved.
(Extract from Report of Board of General Purposes, adopted 13 March 2002)

We here on this forum have from the start included such instructions in our terms and conditions of use.
Bill McElligott [PPGJW - PPGASoj] -
The Masonic Brotherhood of The Blue Forget-Me-Not
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