Supreme Grand Chapter survey

Has anyone else received the Recent Exaltee Survey ?
Apparently it's being sent out to anyone who's been Exalted since January 2015
Some good questions... and even a "and how can we improve things" free-text box! I took that opportunity to suggest resolving 300-odd years of politics, and reinstating Mark in its rightful place - BEFORE the Royal Arch degree (as is the case virtually everywhere else). I suspect this box will be ignored, but will be interested to see the outcome of the rest of the Survey.
Apparently it's being sent out to anyone who's been Exalted since January 2015
Some good questions... and even a "and how can we improve things" free-text box! I took that opportunity to suggest resolving 300-odd years of politics, and reinstating Mark in its rightful place - BEFORE the Royal Arch degree (as is the case virtually everywhere else). I suspect this box will be ignored, but will be interested to see the outcome of the rest of the Survey.