Dining Restrictions
Donald Taylor, Director of Legal Services at UGLE, answers some common questions about Masonic dining in England during Covid restrictions.
Why is Lodge dining after a meeting banned?
Government guidance in England does not currently permit more than two households (or six people if outdoors) to gather together to dine. Lodge dining is not banned in areas where government guidance permits it, for example in outdoor dining areas in Wales.
If I am hungry after a Lodge meeting can I eat at the Masonic Hall or a nearby restaurant?
You may book dining where it is available at a Masonic Hall or restaurant. You may only book for yourself, or for a group of Masons from up to two households (or six people if outdoors).
Can my Lodge arrange an informal meal or drinks?
A Lodge can make its members aware of local opportunities for refreshments before or after a meeting, but it must not organise a meal or drinks for its members. Members who dine or drink at a venue where other members are present must follow the rules applicable to the venue including those about safe distancing.
But larger groups are allowed to dine at wedding receptions?
Up to 30 people are allowed to gather to dine at a wedding reception. This exception only applies to weddings and civil ceremonies at this time.
My Masonic Hall is interpreting the guidance differently.
If you are not confused by the government’s guidance, then you haven’t read it properly. It is capable of multiple interpretations. Every Masonic Hall which decides to open must have regard to the guidance and put appropriate risk assessments and mitigating measures in place but practice will vary depending on each Hall’s particular circumstances, and on any local restrictions. Individual Freemasons will reasonably come to a variety of different conclusions about the appropriate balance to be struck.