Supreme Grand Chapter survey

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Supreme Grand Chapter survey

Postby The Uninitiated » Mon Dec 20, 2021 10:08 pm

Has anyone else received the Recent Exaltee Survey ?

Apparently it's being sent out to anyone who's been Exalted since January 2015

Some good questions... and even a "and how can we improve things" free-text box! I took that opportunity to suggest resolving 300-odd years of politics, and reinstating Mark in its rightful place - BEFORE the Royal Arch degree (as is the case virtually everywhere else). I suspect this box will be ignored, but will be interested to see the outcome of the rest of the Survey.
PM of Mercury Lodge No.4581 & Joshua of Mercury Chapter No.4581, Ch.Std of Mid-Wessex LoIM No.8859
MMM/RAM: Camberley No.1131 - WM/WCN
A&AR: 30° - Faith No.210 -+- ROS (SEC)
RCC: DivHerald(Surrey), St George's No.18 (etc)
RSM: Weyside No.277 -+- AMD: Farnham No.235
KT: Agincourt No.517 -+- KTP: Chertsey No.195
The Uninitiated
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